Tracking the Morgellons parasite has been very tough! This is why our researchers have not been able to find a cause. If they are not living with the disease, it would be almost impossible for them to figure it out. Many bugs hide until dark before coming out while others, like beetles, play possum and don’t move. This makes identifying smaller insects hard - especially when you don’t know what you are trying to find. I spent 2 years yelling at my family for tracking a lot of dirt and debris on my floors. I had gravel delivered to reduce the mud outside and built a block patio. When my clothes developed some holes, I set out glue traps. I caught bugs and larvae but not what I expected. Upon further investigation, I discovered my hardwood floors had damage. When fumigation didn’t cure my problem, I knew I was onto something. I am going to detail how I discovered the Morgellons Parasite in my floors and furniture. Delusional Parasitosis has hereby been proven to be an imaginary disease of the CDC!
Once again, I am not a Doctor with an official title nor do I belong to any research center. I am a long-term sufferer of Morgellons Disease that happens to be a mom. The love as a mother and the desire to protect my family has been a driving force for me to figure out this Disease. I have spent more time tracking it than trying to treat it. This parasite has an amazing ability to adapt and change. I knew the only way to really protect my family was to discover the cause. After I found chewed-up floorboards, I tore my house apart looking under and behind everything. What I found was shocking. I discovered clothing with the cotton seams chewed and holes in certain fabrics. This was hard to decipher because perhaps I had multiple bugs in my house. Right? My home has hardwood floors, rooms with wall paneling, and closets lined in wood too. I have a lot of wood furniture as well. I found fiber ball nests of something under my dressers and behind my desk. The scariest discovery was that the most prevalent areas of damaged wood were around chairs my family used, under my dog's pillow, and around our beds. I had to figure out if the damage was caused by parasites coming from me, OR were the bugs following us to feed on dead skin cells and hair? I purchased my home 5 years ago and the floors were refinished so the new damage was obvious. The most shocking damage was to the box springs under my mattress. Upon closer inspection, the side of my mattress that was next to my dog’s bed was very dull. Mattresses have a shiny finish and mine looked like the top finish was gone. In fact, you could see the threads - all the fluff was gone. This is why I had my home fumigated.
After I fumigated, I hauled every mattress in my home to the dump. But while doing this, I made a 2nd discovery. I noticed the surface on my older mattress was covered with fuzzballs. There were so many I decided to magnify them with my camera. They looked like little cocoons inside the fuzz - no movement of any kind though. When I smashed them they were crunchy and underwater, white slime/worm-shaped bugs rose to the top. Today, I spray my mattresses weekly with a mixture of rubbing alcohol, peppermint oil, and cinnamon oil. Sometimes I add tea tree oil. I also started treating my laundry with the 3 oils. The 1st treatment to my towels produced the largest lint trap full of fuzz and fibers. One of my kids used to complain about feeling hair (Fibers) on their face after drying off - not anymore.
Two weeks after fumigating I spilled pop on the floor. 5 minutes later, I had fibers and the stuff in the picture below coming out of the floor. We don’t leave any garbage or dirty dishes laying around. It’s an attractant just like it is for other bugs. I finally figured out my floors were dirty all the time but it wasn’t from my kids or pets. I had been scrubbing my floors constantly and nothing seemed to help until I started spraying. I used my last of savings and hired someone to help me treat all the wood in my house. It was a huge job! I discovered that the bottom edge of my kitchen cabinets was covered in yellow sacs with an attached fiber. When I started treating my baseboard trim, large clumps of fibers, parasites, and specs came out. My rough wooden stairs actually grew fibers out of the corners. I now spray some area of my house every day. It’s a big job so I rotate where I spray. I no longer get large clumps anymore. I am feeling a lot better too!

The job doesn’t end here though. You will also have to treat your cars, garages and any cloth in your home. Clothing and bedding can be frozen in sealed plastic bags if that makes it easier for you. Make sure and check all the jean pockets for lint. I have found more problem areas in old coats and pant pockets. First of all, roll the fuzz out with a lint roller. Then wash them with the oils mentioned above and freeze them for a few days. Hot water does not kill a bad infestation alone. I lint roll all my socks before washing and don’t forget your shoes! I keep mine sprayed and tied in plastic bags. I periodically freeze them too if my feet start itching. Obviously, the fuzzier clothes and blankets are at risk for infestation. Mine are all sealed in garbage bags until I use them.
I know this sounds like a lot of work and it is! However, it has changed my life in the last year. I will share in more detail next week about my continued research in trying to identify these parasites, and where the glass is coming from that so much experience. I will also talk about other treatment options and how to help your animals. Stay positive! I was in bad shape and preparing to die. If I can get better, so can you! I am not cured, but I am living life again. And before I forget, I have prayed for God to direct me in my research. I have to give credit to Him for helping me every step of the way.
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+++DISCLOSURE: I am not a Doctor, Lawyer, or Scientist. This website is a social support site and by no means takes the place of your Doctor or professional help. I express my own religious beliefs and tell my own personal experiences in struggling with Morgellons Disease. I do not represent the comments or recommendations posted by members or visitors on this site. I have not validated nor looked into any person's opinion or statements. You accept full responsibility for the consequences of your use of any information provided on or through this website. You agree to do your own research and use your own judgement, including talking to your Doctor, before trying any recommended product or procedure. I assume no liability for any supplement or recommended, alternative treatment from this website. This blog is nothing more than a compilation of my own real life experiences and personal opinions. It is a place for us to come together and share our stories. Socializing is a form of Entertainment. We want to remind everyone to be respectful and acknowledge the vast differences in religious and political beliefs. This information provided through this website is for educational, informational and entertainment purposes only. ALWAYS TALK TO YOUR PHARMACIST OR MEDICAL PROVIDER BEFORE TAKING NEW SUPPLEMENTS OR NATURAL REMEDIES!! THEY CAN POTENTIALLY HAVE NEGATIVE INTERACTIONS WITH YOUR CURRENT MEDICATION! In case of an emergency your medical chart should contain a list of everything you take including supplements and prescription medications.
Hi. I am experiencing the same mass migration of dead parasites. Tiny pellets flying everywhere for about 2 minutes but has slowed for past 2 hours. How long does this purging last?
In addition after re-reading your article yesterday I cast ground black pepper on the carpet. About half a minute on top the carpet were white chalk-like "things" my univited in-laws But before this I sprayed the edges with Ortho Home Defense Max but this only black puffy looking "things". . . carpet worms! What to do? Because just prior to this I was at my wits end. But the Lord had directed me to your website replenishing my hope, direction, and a tried and true means to win.
They "fuzz balls" are 2d semi conductors. THEY are produced by CP Kelco. In darkness, hold red light just under your nose or at end of finger. They love I. Cuticle. Scottsdale AZ a location for semi conductor.....follow or find out who Troy McNutt, currently flower o e I. Vegas.....also known as Ed Martin military, also Eugene Bartholomew. Cp kelco, once owned by Huber woods, Monsanto, phizer, Hercules. I got sick there. Hired in in 2016-2019. Found a gov sponsored program was going on. Right after my illness. All suoervisors gone. Found photos of some before they hired in at kelco and all said they didn't know each other. Have backgrounds with bioengineering, nano stuff, genetic modifications etc. Al…
What are you "treating" them with? What kills them? I've tried denatured alcohol cleaning vinegar, bleach and foggers! I've been miserable for 6 months now and I want it to be over. Please give me the substances that seemed to kill them and keep them away😥😓
I am losing my cognitive ability also. I also can't figure out how I am going to get employment with being sick all the time. I am broken now and becoming super depressed. Any ideas on things i could do with no money. I am about to be homeless. I also believe it has something to do with the room I am renting flooding a few months ago. Has been debilitating ever since.
I have been itchy on and off since about 2001. For a long time it was just my shoulders and upper back and upper arms. I would scratch holes in my skin. The doctor said there's nothing there and I believed him. I thought it was all in my mind. Then it went away when i moved.
Very recently i have been feeling it again but this time everywhere. It is similar to irritation i get from chemicals but it goes on and on. Also there are more specific points of irritation and feels like being bitten. I am starting to scratch up my thighs. It is worse under snug clothing and better after a shower.
I heard recently that…